Sunday, 17 May 2015

Wood floor installation

We recommend that a professional flooring installer is contracted

  1. Under cut the bottom of door frames, wardrobes etc to allow for the floor boards to fit under it. 
  2. Always leave a full 15mm expansion gap around the edges.
  3. Open 4-5 packs and ‘shuffle’ the boards to ensure an even distribution of the colour and character.
  4. The industry standard of 5% minimum waste shall apply for defects and cutting. 
  5. You must use a professionally formulated specialist wood adhesive that is flexible and causes no swelling of the wood.
  6. Always keep glue off the surface area of the boards. 
  7. Sometimes floor boards can be fixed directly onto joists or battens. This is done by nailing. The joists and battens should be sound rigid and level with moisture content no greater than 12-14% at the time of fixing the solid floor.
  8. Finishing off- the last board of the first row should be fitted using a puller bar ensuring 15mm expansion gap at the end. All perimeter gaps should be covered with skirting boards or cover strips at thresholds.